ITIL 4 Foundation 자격증을 처음 알게 된 것은 링크드인에서 잡 공고를 볼 때 자주 보였던 우대 자격증 중 하나였기 때문이었어요. 제가 전공한 Management Information Systems 과와 밀접한 관계가 있는 자격증이기도 했고, ITIL은 전공에서 다루었던 프레임워크 중 하나였어서 취득하면 플러스가 될 것 같았어요. 보통 IT Service 혹은 IT Infrastructure 에 관련된 직무라면 이 자격증이 도움이 될 것 같아요.
ITIL 4 Foundation은 버전 4에 이르기까지 꾸준히 업그레이드 되어왔고, 뿌리는 영국 정부가 만들어낸 프레임워크였고, 현재는 Axelos라는 사기업이 라이센스를 가지고 있습니다. Axelos는 자격증 라이센스를 보유한 회사이지만 직접 시험을 주관하지 않고, 시험운영을 외주업체에 맡겼기 때문에 시험 등록은 여러가지 외주업체들의 가격을 비교한 후에 고르시면 된답니다. 외주업체들은 경쟁하다시피 프로모션을 적용하여 다 다른 가격으로 운영하고 있어서 가장 저렴한 사이트를 찾아야 하는데 여간 쉬운 일이 아니였어요. 시험 등록부터 까다로웠던 자격증이었습니다.. 저는 결국 73만원에 시험 바우처를 구입했는데 나중에 더 저렴하게 바우처를 팔고 있는 미국 사이트를 발견하기도 했습니다. 많은 정보는 네이버 카페 아라공에서 찾는 것을 추천드려요. 제가 선택했던 업체는 바우처와 교육 이러닝 소스를 제공한다고 마케팅을 했었는데 솔직히 한국분들이라면 아시겠지만 시험공부를 위한 외국 리소스가 그렇게 효과적이지는 않아서 인강은 거의 안보고 스스로 기출 덤프와 E-book 만으로 공부했어요.
그리고 한 가지 참고로 말씀드리자면 바우처는 외주업체에서 구입하고, 시험응시는 PeopleCert에 바우처 번호 입력해서 응시하시면 됩니다. 외주업체는 외주의 외주의 느낌이라서 결과가 나오기까지 오피셜로는 2일이었는데 2주나 걸리기도 했으니, 마음편하게 보시려면 바로 PeopleCert를 통해 바우처를 구입하시는 편도 좋을 것 같아요!
시험 준비에 사용했던 리소스
1) 기출문제 덤프 - 여기서 98%이상 출제되었고, 많은 사람들이 조언해준대로 200번에서 355번까지만 공부했어요.
2) E-book - PeopleCert에서 시험 바우처 코드를 입력하면 볼 수 있는 E-book을 교과서처럼 봤어요. 모든 문제의 기준은 이 책이라서 모르는 부분은 Ctrol+F로 검색해서 개념을 찾아봤습니다.
ITIL 4 Foundation 큰 그림 잡기
: 이 자격증이 다루는 개념이 넓기도 하고, 유기적 연결되어있어서 처음에 공부할 때 카테고리별로 어떤 내용인지 알고 시작하면 이해에 도움이 될 것 같아요.
1. Key concepts of Service Management
개념에 대한 문제가 자주 출제되는 편이라서 암기하는 편이 편했어요.
• Key definitions (Service, Service management, Customer, User, Sponsor)
• Key concept for Creating Value with Services (Cost, Organization, Value, Value co-creation, Outcome, Output, Risk, Utility, Warranty)
• Service Relationship (Service offering, Service relationship management, Service provision, Service consumption)
What term is used to describe the functionality of a service? | Utility |
Sponsor is the role that authorizes budget for service [?]. | consumption |
Which statement about service offerings is CORRECT? | The same product can be used as a basis for more than one service offering |
Which is part of the value proposition of a service? | Costs removed from the consumer by the service |
Which facilitates outcomes that customers want to achieve? | Service |
How can a service consumer contribute to the reduction of risk? | By fully understanding their own requirements for the service |
The purpose of the service configuration management practice is to ensure that accurate and reliable information about the configuration of [?], and the CIs that support them, is available when and where it is needed. | services |
A customer is the role that defines the requirements for a service and takes responsibility for the [?] of service consumption. | Outcomes |
What is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve? | A service |
2. Guiding Principle
회사/조직이 올바른 의사결정을 할 수 있게끔 도와주는 ITIL 컨셉입니다. 기본 행동 가이드라인이라고 생각하시면 될 것 같아요.
• Focus on value
• Start where you are
• Progress iteratively with feedback
• Collaborate and promote visibility
• Think and work holistically
• Keep it simple and practical
• Optimize and automate
Which guiding principle leads to a faster response to customer needs by timeboxing activities and learning from the outputs of previous activities? | Progress iteratively with feedback |
Which guiding principle recommends consideration of the four dimensions in order to make something as effective and as useful as it needs to be? | Optimize and automate |
Which ITIL concept helps an organization to make good decisions? | Guiding principles |
Which is a recommendation applying the guiding principle 'keep it simple and practical'? | If a practice is easier to follow it is more likely to be adopted |
Which is a way of applying the guiding principle 'focus on value'? | Understanding how service consumers use services |
Which of the following is NOT recommended by the guiding principle 'start where you are'? Correct 보기 Asking questions that appear to be stupid Identifying what is available to be leveraged Collecting data directly from the source | Building something completely new |
Which guiding principle emphasizes the need to understand the flow of work in progress, identify bottlenecks, and uncover waste? | Collaborate and promote visibility |
ITIL 4 프레임워크의 주요 구성 요소는 The Service Value System (SVS)과 The Four Dimensions Model 입니다.
3. Four Dimensions of Service Management
ITIL 프레임워크를 사용하는 핵심 4가지 요소입니다.
• Organization and People
• Information and Technology
• Partners and Suppliers
• Value Streams and and Processes
Which of the four dimensions focuses on managing data in compliance with industry regulations? | Information and technology |
Which is described by the 'organizations and people' dimension of service management? | Communication and collaboration |
Which dimension of service management considers how activities are coordinated? | Value streams and processes |
What considerations influence the supplier strategy of an organization? | Corporate culture of the organization |
Which dimension of service management includes consideration of the type of relationship required with other organizations involved in the design and delivery of services? | Partners and suppliers |
Which statement about value streams is CORRECT? | Each value stream must be designed for a specific scenario. |
Which of the four dimensions contributes MOST to defining activities needed to deliver services? | Value streams and processes |
Which of the four dimensions contributes is concerned with service integration and management? | Information and technology |
Which is the four dimensions focuses on roles, responsibilities, and systems of authority? | Organizations and people |
Which dimension of service management considers governance, management, and communication? | Organizations and people |
4. Service Value System (SVS)
ITIL의 개념은 SVS라고 해도 무방할 정도로 시험에서 다루는 모든 개념을 포함하는 가장 큰 세계관 개념입니다.
• The Core Components of SVS (Guiding Principles, Governance, Service Value Chain, Practices, Continual Improvement)
• Inputs (Opportunities, Demand) / Elements (Organizational Governance, Service Management, Continual Improvement, The Organizational Capabilities and Resources) / Outputs (Achivement, Value)
Which TWO are inputs to the service value system? 1. Demand 2. Products 3. Value 4. Opportunity | 1 and 4 |
The purpose of the [?] is to ensure that the organization continually co-creates value with all stakeholders in line with the organization’s objectives. | service value system |
Which TWO are inputs to the service value systems? | Demand & Opportunity |
The purpose of the [?] is to ensure the organization continually co-creates value with all stakeholders in line with the organization’s objectives. | Service Value System |
5. Service Value Chain (SVC)
SVS 개념 중 가장 가운데에 있는 개념으로, IT 서비스를 제공하기까지의 과정이며 각각의 practice에 적용할 수 있어요.
• Plan / Improve / Engage / Design and Transition / Obtain/Build / Deliver and Support
Which service value chain activity deals with the purchase of new products? | Obtain/build |
Which is included in the purpose of the ‘improve’ value chain activity? | Ensuring a shared understanding of the improvement direction for services across the organization. |
Which value chain activity ensures that ongoing service activity meets users expectations? | Deliver and support |
Which value chain activity is concerned with the availability of service components? | Obtain/build |
Which statement about the inputs and outputs of the value chain activities is CORRECT? | Each value chain activity receives inputs and provides outputs |
Which component is focused on the activities needed by an organization to help it co-create value? | Service value chain |
Which of the following statement is included in the ‘improve’ value chain activity’s purpose? | Ensure the continual improvement of practices across all value chain activities |
What should all ‘continual improvement’ decisions be based on? | Accurate and carefully analysed data |
6. ITIL management practices ★★
시험에서 출제가 가장 많이 되는 파트이며, ITIL이 왜 존재하며 어떤 목표를 달성하려는지에 대한 설명입니다. 가장 많이 다루는 부분이 Service management practices입니다.
How do ‘continual improvement registers’ help to create value? | By making improvements visible |
Which is the MOST LIKELY way of resolving major incidents? | A temporary team working together to identify a resolution |
What is included in the purpose of the ‘IT asset management’ practice? | Supporting decision-making about purchase, re-use, retirement, and disposal of assets |
Why and how is a user MOST LIKELY to contact the service desk? | To request access to a resource via a self-service portal |
What is used as a tool to help define and measure performance? | A service level agreement |
What may form part of a service request procedure? | Authorization in accordance with a security policy |
Which practice identifies changes of state related to infrastructure, services, and business processes? | Monitoring and event management |
How should a process design allow for exceptional situations? | Create rules to handle exceptions generally |
Which practice needs the right culture to be embedded across the entire organization? | Continual improvement |
What is the MOST LIKELY reason that incident management would need a temporary team to work together? | To resolve a complex and major incident |
Which is MOST LIKELY to be achieved by following a detailed procedure? | Managing a service request |
What is CORRECT about service request management? | Compliments can be handled as service requests |
What ensures that service providers and service consumers continue to create value together? | Service relationship management |
Which practice conducts reviews to vaildate that services are covering the needs of the customer? | Service level management |
Which of the following statements about change authorization is CORRECT? | The change type and model is the basis for assigning the change authority |
Source: ITIL® 4 Foundation Revision Guide, Axelos
9월부터 시작했던 공부가 한달을 훌쩍넘겨서 시험을 보게되었어요. 그렇게까지 질질 끌 필요는 없었을 시험이었지만 73만원이라는 😭 수험료때문에 쉽사리 시험을 보기가 힘들었어요. 일단 이 시험을 무조건 기출 위주로 공부를 해야하고, 기출로 시작해서 기출로 끝내야 하는 공부라고 말하고 싶습니다. 덤프 시험문제와 똑같이 출제되기 때문에 머리를 쓸 필요도 없었어요. 기출을 계속 보면서 모르는 개념이 있을 때는 E-Book으로 추가적으로 공부하면서 개념을 익히면 기출이 이해되고 빨리 암기가 되었어요.
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